[PATCH] Build fails on Solaris (include struct params)

Geoff Simmons geoff at uplex.de
Wed Nov 23 17:35:08 CET 2011

Hello all,

A build for Solaris on the present trunk fails with the error shown
below, the problem being that an include is missing for the declaration
of struct params.

The attached one-liner makes it better.


mgt/mgt_sandbox_solaris.c: In function `mgt_sandbox_solaris_privsep':
mgt/mgt_sandbox_solaris.c:161: error: invalid use of undefined type
`struct params'
mgt/mgt_sandbox_solaris.c:162: error: invalid use of undefined type
`struct params'
mgt/mgt_sandbox_solaris.c:163: error: invalid use of undefined type
`struct params'
mgt/mgt_sandbox_solaris.c:164: error: invalid use of undefined type
`struct params'

** * * UPLEX - Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung

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