Varnish 5.0 changes to defaults

Martin Blix Grydeland martin at
Mon Dec 7 15:33:15 CET 2015

On 4 December 2015 at 09:42, Kristian Grønfeldt Sørensen <
ksorensen at> wrote:

> Hi,
> After we talked about changes to default values for 5.0 yesterday at
> VUGX, I realised that I'd like varnishlog to group log entries by
> request as a default, rather than by session.
> Grouping by session usually outputs too much data for me, so I've
> actually developed a habit of including "-g request" in my varnishlog
> commandline.
> And when you are behind at TLS-terminator, that multiplexes requests
> across multiple connections to Varnish, grouping by session becomes
> mostly useless, so grouping by requests by default makes more sense to
> me.

I believe my reasoning for choosing VXID as the default grouping comes from
choosing the one that would cost the least. Having the -g request will keep
more structure, and if the requests are very long lived have the potential
of buffering more log data. so I thought that I'd be better to force that
as a conscious choice rather than be the default.

I'm not sure that argument is very strong though. Most requests are short
lived and even the normal miss with one backend request wouldn't cost any
more internal structure kept. So it'd probably be just fine to change the
default. And the -g request is probably a better default.

The leaves the question if we want to subject our users to a default change


<>*Martin Blix Grydeland*
Senior Developer | Varnish Software AS
Mobile: +47 992 74 756
We Make Websites Fly!
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