VIP23 (VSL refactoring) design sketch

Nils Goroll nils.goroll at
Fri Apr 12 15:48:56 UTC 2019

On 12/04/2019 17:35, Geoff Simmons wrote:

(integer coding etc)
> But we agreed that it's better not to bother with something like that, at least not for now. %^)
On 10/04/2019 08:08, Nils Goroll wrote:
> - We should make it clear that the VSL format does not constitute an API, so
>   log access is only supported by using the vsl client in libvarnishapi

Following this approach, we are free to optimize the VSL format and still keep
the varnishlog -w binary compatible


** * * UPLEX - Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung

Scheffelstraße 32
22301 Hamburg

tel +49 40 28805731
mob +49 170 2723133
fax +49 40 42949753


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