Live test log files (1 of many)

Anders Berg andersb at
Tue Jul 11 12:29:16 CEST 2006

>Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2006 16:38:33 +0000
>From: "Poul-Henning Kamp" <phk at>
>Subject: To: varnish-misc at
>Message-ID: <65004.1152463113 at>
>I'm seeing some weird headers and just to make sure that it is not
>varnish which messes things up, I would appreciate if you could
>find out if you also see them in Squid.

Wow, they look strange, to say the least.
I am not sure how to debug this in Squid, without makeing _huge_ log
files, but maybe I should do just that...

Right now though I am home with a back that has gotten worse and worse :((
So I won't be able to do this for some time.

So right now I put this on hold.

Anders Berg

>Here are three examples:

04  19  874 SessionOpen  < 3085>
1a  10  874 XID          <1211144113>
0e   3  874 Request      <GET>
12  15  874 URL          </sistenytt.html>
13   8  874 Protocol     <HTTP/1.1>
14  15  874 Header       <Host:>
14  37  874 Header       <User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)>
14  22  874 Header       <Accept: text/html, */*>
14  61  874 Header       <If-Modified-Since: Fri, 07 Jul 2006 07:35:27
GMT; leng
14  36  874 Header       <If-None-Match: "1a89b4-6c2-44ae0ebf">
14  26  874 Header       <Cache-Control: max-stale=0>
14  17  874 Header       <Cneonction: close>
14  32  874 Header       <X-BlueCoat-Via: 38E8F7FA07E482A8>
14  22  874 Header       <Connection: Keep-Alive>
14  32  874 Header       <X-Forwarded-For:>
17   4  874 VCL_call     <recv 1 4.14 2 5.9 5 8.5 6 8.9 7 8.34 9 11.5 lookup>
1b  10  874 Hit          <1210949324>
17   3  874 VCL_call     <hit 10 14.13 11 15.9 13 18.5 deliver>
11   3  874 Status       <200>
10   4  874 Length       <1744>
05  19  874 SessionReuse < 3085>
04  21  497 SessionOpen  < 12927>
1a  10  497 XID          <1210954928>
0e   3  497 Request      <GET>
12  14  497 URL          </css/hoved.css>
13   8  497 Protocol     <HTTP/1.1>
14  11  497 Header       <Accept: */*>
14  52  497 Header       <Weferer:
14  19  497 Header       <Accept-Language: no>
14  30  497 Header       <Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate>
14  97  497 Header       <User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0;
 NT 5.1; FunWebProducts; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)>
14  15  497 Header       <Host:>
14  22  497 Header       <Connection: Keep-Alive>
17   4  497 VCL_call     <recv 1 4.14 2 5.9 5 8.5 6 8.9 7 8.34 9 11.5 lookup>
1b  10  497 Hit          <1210949321>
17   3  497 VCL_call     <hit 10 14.13 11 15.9 13 18.5 deliver>
11   3  497 Status       <200>
10   4  497 Length       <6801>
05  21  497 SessionReuse < 12927>
04  18  869 SessionOpen  < 6057>
1a  10  869 XID          <1210962197>
0e   3  869 Request      <GET>
12  15  869 URL          </sistenytt.html>
13   8  869 Protocol     <HTTP/1.0>
14  15  869 Header       <Host:>
14 102  869 Header       <User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT
5.1; e
n-US; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/>
14 107  869 Header       <Accept:
14  31  869 Header       <Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5>
14  29  869 Header       <Accept-EncodXng: gzip,deflate>
14  46  869 Header       <Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7>
14  15  869 Header       <Keep-Alive: 300>
14  22  869 Header       <Connection: keep-alive>
14  16  869 Header       <Pragma: no-cache>
14  23  869 Header       <Cache-Control: no-cache>
17   4  869 VCL_call     <recv 1 4.14 2 5.9 5 8.5 6 8.9 7 8.34 9 11.5 lookup>
1b  10  869 Hit          <1210949324>
17   3  869 VCL_call     <hit 10 14.13 11 15.9 13 18.5 deliver>
11   3  869 Status       <200>
10   4  869 Length       <1744>
06  12  869 SessionClose <not HTTP/1.1>

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