Current Varnish status?

Denis Brækhus denis at
Tue Feb 13 11:31:25 CET 2007

----- Dag-Erling Smørgrav <des at> wrote:
> The differences between the released version and the svn trunk are
> currently very small (a few bug fixes).

So SVN would actually be more stable then?

> Whether Varnish is usable in a production environment depends on the
> nature of your application.  Varnish currently does not respect Vary:
> headers and interacts poorly with cookies, but if you don't use
> either, you'll be fine.

Is it possible to define "interacts poorly with cookies"? I do think our application relies quite heavily on cookies for session handling. Does interacting poorly imply that any site where cookies are used do not work well with Varnish, or simply that Varnish does not handle caching well when cookies are involved?

Denis Braekhus - Teknisk Ansvarlig ABC Startsiden AS

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