missing Content-Lenght header

Denis Ahrens denis at zeno.org
Sun Jul 1 00:06:33 CEST 2007

On 30.06.2007, at 23:45, Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:

> Denis Ahrens <denis at zeno.org> writes:
>> svnversion says 1589M. you made no changes after that.
> Are you sure your tree is up-to-date and you rebuilt everything?   
> r1584
> should have fixed that bug.

I made the binary one day later, but maybe I forgot to checkout before.
Anyway, I made a new one from HEAD and will look at it and report
back when it happens again.


PS: I still need to add --prefix=/usr/local to configure. Do I need to  
some files which autogen.sh builds new then?

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