log files

Damien Wetzel dwetzel at nerim.net
Fri Mar 30 15:45:37 CEST 2007

Dag-Erling Smørgrav writes:
 > Damien Wetzel <dwetzel at nerim.net> writes:
 > > i think it could be interresting to add a field in the ncsa logs telling
 > > if the object was delivered from the cache or had to be fetched.
 > > Is there a way to get w3C log ?
 > That's what varnishncsa does.
i haven't seen any fields using varnishncsa which refers to cache hits or miss
the man talk about the possibility to get the logs in combined format but
i don't how to do it

 > > and last is there a ay to remove ping pong lines from the logs ?
 > All the information you need is in the man page.
it's my bad the man pages weren't installed after the make install command.

PS: I don't think ESI for a v2 are a good addon.
ESI is mainly an akamai tool to catch customers but is not of real use.
the standard hasn't changed since 2002 and doesn't seem to be widely used.

 > DES
 > -- 
 > Dag-Erling Smørgrav
 > Senior Software Developer
 > Linpro AS - www.linpro.no

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