
jean-marc pouchoulon jean-marc.pouchoulon at ac-montpellier.fr
Mon Sep 24 21:18:39 CEST 2007

>> And i know that varnish is the best solution to cache
>> How integrated varnish in this achitecture ? (What port must listen  
>> varnish in my architecture? How specify to apache to cache with  
>> varnish? ...)
put varnish in front of apache
apache don't have to cache anything just using it to load balance to zeo 

>> I begin to install varnish with the source but i've some problem to  
>> understand how implemented all this technologies (i'm french and ...)
I'm french too.... and working for the the same big entity ( :-D ) 
...and we use varnish with zope/cps.
I did some slides on varnish and had presented them to other systems 
administrators in June. If you want them and our config you can contact me.

Jean-marc Pouchoulon
Rectorat de Montpellier

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