Varnish performance tests

Michael S. Fischer michael at
Mon Dec 8 18:05:38 CET 2008

On Dec 8, 2008, at 9:03 AM, Per Buer wrote:

> Rebert Luc wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In our studies we have a project which consists in testing the
>> performance of Varnish in order to make a comparative with and  
>> without
>> the proxy cache.
>> Does anyone know which utilities to employ ? (knowing that the aim  
>> is to
>> justify our tests)
> You could have a look at varnishreplay to "replay" earlier recorded
> varnishlogs. If you also want to synthesize traffic you could also  
> check
> out siege and curl-loader.
> If you have a high hitrate in your cache you'll most likely end up
> benchmarking the tools rather then varnish. I think I measured siege  
> to
> be ~3x slower then varnish.

I used httperf with great success.  However, it's only single- 
threaded, so you may want to put a wrapper around it to test request  
concurrencies > 1.


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