running varnish-2.0.2 on Sun

Jyri J. Virkki jyri at
Wed Feb 18 08:33:42 CET 2009

Once upon a time Rob Ayres wrote:
> Hi, hope this is a good place to post this. I have been trying to build
> Varnish on a Sun (SunOS 5.10 Generic_127111-03 sun4u sparc
> SUNW,Sun-Fire-V490, gcc version 4.2.1 ) and are experiencing many problems,
> if anyone has any hints please help. Have built it on freebsd and linux with
> no problems, unfortunately we need it on the Sun machines!

FYI I've packaged 2.0.2 for OpenSolaris and hosting it experimentally
at a repository at 
in case it helps.  I hadn't tried on Solaris 10 for a while but just
attempted a build from the same sources on S10 and saw no issues (but haven't
tested the bits).   I build with Sun Studio not gcc.

Jyri J. Virkki - Santa Cruz, CA


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