Is it possible to compare an ACL list to a specific header?

Naama Bamberger naama at
Mon Jan 5 12:17:27 CET 2009

I want to block some IPs, but cannot use
if (client.ip ~ blocked_ips), 
since all the requests go through a load balancer.

The original user IP is stored by the load balancer in a custom header.
I tried something like if (req.http.X-My-Custom-Header ~ blocked_ips),
but trying to compile it causes a segfault.

I also tried to write a C function like this:

sub client_check {
        if (match_acl_named_blocked_ips(sp, VRT_GetHdr(sp, HDR_REQ,
"\021X-My-Custom-Header:"))) {
                VRT_error(sp, 403, "IP blocked - user denied");
                VRT_done(sp, VCL_RET_ERROR);

It compiled, but I get this on every request:

    7 SessionOpen  c 57600 :80
    0 WorkThread   - 0x42802c00 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0x43203c00 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0x43c04c00 start
    0 CLI          - Rd vcl.load boot ./
    0 CLI          - Wr 0 200 Loaded "./" as "boot"
    0 CLI          - Rd vcl.use boot
    0 CLI          - Wr 0 200
    0 CLI          - Rd start
    0 Debug        - "Acceptor is epoll"
    0 CLI          - Wr 0 200
    0 WorkThread   - 0x45a07c00 start

Naama Bamberger
Engineering, Director
naama at

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