flushing cache doesn't seem to make varnish know about less

Sascha Ottolski ottolski at web.de
Mon Jan 12 08:39:26 CET 2009

Am Montag 12 Januar 2009 05:35:16 schrieb Timothy Ball:
> a programming error caused varnish to think there were billions of
> pages it had to know about. bug is quashed but varnish doesn't seem
> to know
> # this is a line from top
>  3596  0.2 28.3g  28g 3808  256  57m 1916   12    0 S  20   0    0
> varnishd # this is a line from ps auxwww
> nobody    3596  0.1  0.1 29681936 3968 ?       Sl   04:24   0:00
> /opt/varnish/sbin/varnishd -a -h classic -f
> /etc/varnish/default.vcl -T -t 120 -w 1,500,20
> i tried doing url.purge ".*" and url.purge "." to no avail.
> how do i make this thing forget?
> --timball

why not just restarting? it's so quick that it shouldn't hurt your 
service very much.

Cheers, Sascha

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