flushing cache doesn't seem to make varnish know about less

Per Buer perbu at linpro.no
Mon Jan 12 11:19:09 CET 2009

Timothy Ball wrote:
> a programming error caused varnish to think there were billions of
> pages it had to know about. bug is quashed but varnish doesn't seem to
> know
> (..)
> i tried doing url.purge ".*" and url.purge "." to no avail.

"url.purge .*" will only invalidate the pages. They are not actually
evicted from cache. HTTP PURGE or TTL timeout are the only ways to
actually drop a page from cache, except restarting of course.

> how do i make this thing forget?

I guess the easiest would be a restart.
Per Buer - Leder Infrastruktur og Drift - Redpill Linpro
Telefon: 21 54 41 21 - Mobil: 958 39 117
http://linpro.no/ | http://redpill.se/

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