Purging multiple requests

Ken Brownfield kb+varnish at slide.com
Tue Jan 12 02:44:03 CET 2010

Something like:

sub vcl_recv {
	if ( req.request == "GET" ) {
		set req.http.OLD-Cookie = req.http.Cookie;
		unset req.http.Cookie;
		set req.http.OLD-Authorization = req.http.Authorization;
		unset req.http.Authorization;
sub vcl_miss {
	if ( req.http.OLD-Cookie ) {
		set bereq.http.Cookie = req.http.OLD-Cookie;
		unset req.http.OLD-Cookie;
	if ( req.http.OLD-Authorization ) {
		set bereq.http.Authorization = req.http.OLD-Authorization;
		unset req.http.OLD-Authorization;

But beware that you may need to increase your sess_workspace, especially if these headers are large.

On Jan 11, 2010, at 5:27 PM, John Norman wrote:

> Scenario:
> -- We would prefer not to leverage checking a lot of paths.
> -- Many pages are cached for GET's.
> -- In vcl_recv, we want to remove cookies and check the cache:
> if (req.request == "GET") {
>     unset req.http.cookie;
>     unset req.http.Authorization;
>     lookup;
> }
> BUT: Suppose the lookup results in a MISS:
> Now we would like to "pass" but WITH the cookies. I.e., check the
> cache without cookies; but if there's a miss, reattach them and make
> the request.
> ----------------------
> Let me put this another way, describing what's happening in our code:
> There are many routine server responses for which we have set caching
> headers. All is beautiful.
> But we have some, primarily of the form
>    /something/edit
> where we would like to use the cookie to bring data into a form.
> To be sure, we could check the file paths . . .
> if (req.request == "GET" && req.url !~ "/edit$") {
>     unset req.http.cookie;
>     unset req.http.Authorization;
>     lookup;
> }
> but we were wondering if there is a pattern to save the cookies and
> then reattach them later (in vcl_miss??), and thus get the "pass" to
> the backend with the cookies back on the request.
> John
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