munin plugin varnish_ - feature request: support multiple varnish instances

Bjørn Ruberg bjorn at
Mon Jun 14 15:33:36 CEST 2010

> i forgot to add that the most complicated part in this might be to stay 
> backward compatible with existing installations that symlink their
> with just one parameter (the aspect)
> varnish_ -> varnish_expunge
> instead of the new way (instance + aspect)
> varnish_ -> varnish_project1_expunge 
> i don't have any idea on how to solve that atm.. :-(

While breaking old links if you're not renaming them manually (which is no
big deal really), the best way to solve the OP's challenge is rewriting the
plugin into a multigraph plugin (compatible with Munin from 1.4 and above).

That way the symlinks will only point to the instance (i.e. varnish_ ->
varnish_project1, varnish_ -> project2 etc), and all aspects will be
managed internally in the plugin.


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