a couple of questions about -spersistent

Marc Fournier marc.fournier at camptocamp.com
Thu Jun 17 14:17:54 CEST 2010


> I've found a couple of threads on the list where people were trying to
> request objects from the cache after a restart, but none of them seem
> to have been successful, and the threads ended without any solution.
> My question is: what am I missing to be able to:
>  - fetch an object from a backend to prime the cache
>  - fetch this object a 2nd time to check I get a HIT
>  - restart varnish (as in /etc/init.d/varnish restart)
>  - fetch the object and get a HIT.
> Has someone actually managed to have data persist in the cache across
> restarts ?

Hum, must I interpret the lack of answers as "no, no one never got
persistence working" ? And therefore, should I open a bug report ?

Thanks for any hints :-)


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