Varnish child killed

Jean-Francois Laurens jean-francois.laurens at
Fri Apr 22 00:59:20 CEST 2011

Please do not overlook the object of the email which is actually ³Varnish
child killed².

For the explanation of the hitratio: some tests are running and half of the
misses are requests with cachekillers on purpose.

Would anybody please help on understanding why this child process get killed

Le 21/04/11 19:41, « Simon Lyall » a écrit :

> On Thu, 21 Apr 2011, Jean-Francois Laurens wrote:
>> > 2. hitratio
>> > My hit ratio is pretty low around 50%.
>> > It used to be around 70% with the version 2.0.6 and dropped down to 50%.
>> > I can¹t explain it as what was changed was only :
>> > In vcl_fetch, replace obj by beresp
>> > Replace calls to pass or deliver by return(deliver) or return(pass)
> Is this for ?
> If your hit ratio is 60% with a million objects then something is very
> wrong. You have enough images there you should be well over 90% hits.
> Run "varnishlog -b"
> and see what your cache misses are ( or do look in your backend logs ).
> Jean-Francois Laurens
> Ingénieur Système Unix
> Resources et Développement
> Secteur Backend
> RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse
> Quai Ernest-Ansermet 20
> Case postale 234 
> CH - 1211 Genève 8
> T +41 (0)58 236 81 63

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