Lots of configs

Johnny Halfmoon jhalfmoon at milksnot.com
Wed Mar 9 00:50:45 CET 2011

On 03/09/2011 12:09 AM, David Helkowski wrote:
> Please refrain from continuing to message the list on this topic.
> I will not do so either, provided you stop sending things like <snip>

Are you proposing some kind of 'hushing' algorithm?

> 'David is wrong, and his ideas should never be considered' to the list.
> It is entirely childish, and I am sure people are sick of seeing this
> sort of garbage in the list.
> My only response to this latest attack is that Varnish is open
> source software. I can and will publish a how-to on using hashing
> in the manner that I have described. There is nothing that you can
> do to stop it, and I am sure people will take advantage of it.

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