Are varnish subroutines reentrant?

Jonathan Matthews contact at
Sun Mar 20 22:58:14 CET 2011

On 20 March 2011 21:43, Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at> wrote:
> In message <AANLkTin3nt-gDbCrAs94hBEShAHpDx=0E2UtVYMNnc8U at>, Jona
> than Matthews writes:
>>just to know if there's anything
>>underlying the VCL at any specific points in the route through the
>>standard subroutines that would make being reentrant more complex to
>>deal with than solely making sure the algorithm is reentrant.  If that
>>makes sense :-)
> As long as you take care of the usual stuff, (static/global variables
> etc) there shouldn't be any issues.

Many thanks.

Jonathan Matthews
London, UK

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