Multiple Set-Cookie Headers

Roberto O. Fernández Crisial roberto.fernandezcrisial at
Mon Nov 14 13:51:31 CET 2011


I think Kenny's issue is that Varnish could be caching Set-Cookie response
and send cached object to all users with those Set-Cookie headers (like any

I think Kenny should pass any "Set-Cookie: EXTERNAL_NO_CACHE=1" response.

Roberto O. Fernández Crisial
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 7:58 AM, Kristian Lyngstol <
kristian at> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 09:42:59AM +0100, Kenny Deckers wrote:
> > I'm having the following issue with "multiple set-cookie headers":
> (...)
> What issue? You are not saying anything about what you wan to
> accomplish.
> Your web server sends multiple set-cookie headers. I assume you entered
> the stars yourself.
> What are you trying to accomplish, and what have you actually tried with
> the header vmod?
> - Kristian
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