varnishncsa crashing constantly

Lars Jørgensen ljorg6 at
Tue Oct 4 12:34:59 CEST 2011

On 03-10-2011 15:13, Daniel Carrillo wrote:
> Hi, varnishncsa in 3.0.1 is still buggy, several bugs were fixed in
> trunk.

So I downloaded trunk and compiled it. Then I copied varnishncsa to 
/usr/local/bin, but running it says that it is version 3.0.1. Running it 
from the place it was compiled make it say that it is the trunk version.

I guess some libraries need to be replaced, too. But I don't want to 
interfere too much with a varnish installation that works fine except 
for varnishncsa.

Is there an easy way to test the trunk version of varnishncsa?


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