Out of memory exception on Varnish 2.1.5

Per Buer perbu at varnish-software.com
Wed Aug 29 23:41:56 CEST 2012

Hi Connor.

As I said:
You either have to little memory in your system or you are asking Varnish
to use too much. I'm guessing you are using -s malloc. Remember that there
is a 1k overhead on each object stored in Varnish.

This isn't something Varnish does. It is something the kernel does. Varnish
might trigger it because of the way Varnish or your system is configured.
The kernel uses The Big Shotgun to clear memory and that might explain why
Varnish is a bit dazed and confused afterwards. You want to avoid this

So what you want to do:
 - Add memory
 - Add swap space
 - Reduce varnish memory usage (at least if you are using -s malloc)

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 7:00 PM, Connor Walls
<connor.walls at skillpages.com>wrote:

> Hi,****
> ** **
> We’re still looking in to solving this issue, but I’m confused as to
> what’s causing the problem. If the memory allocated to Varnish fills up is
> it expected to crash like this? Or under what circumstances will it crash
> if the memory fills up? I thought the very nature of running it in two
> processes prevented these kind of situations where it needs to be manually
> restarted?****
> ** **
> Thanks for all your help so far,****
> Connor Walls****
> ** **
> *From:* Per Buer [mailto:perbu at varnish-software.com]
> *Sent:* 22 August 2012 16:12
> *To:* Connor Walls
> *Cc:* varnish-misc at varnish-cache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Out of memory exception on Varnish 2.1.5****
> ** **
> Hi Connor,****
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Connor Walls <connor.walls at skillpages.com>
> wrote:****
> Hi,****
>  ****
> We’ve recently been having problems with varnish being killed with out of
> memory problems, our logs show information like this:****
> ** **
> This is not a bug in Varnish. It is most probably a misconfiguration. You
> either have to little memory in your system or you are asking Varnish to
> use too much. I'm guessing you are using -s malloc. Remember that there is
> a 1k overhead on each object stored in Varnish.****
> ** **
>  ****
> (..) ****
>  ****
> Now, we’ve been planning from Varnish 2.1.5 to 3.0 for a while, and we’re
> hoping that this will solve our issues, but I just want to check if there
> are known OOM issues in 2.1.5, or is the problem likely to persist after
> upgrading to 3.0?****
> ** **
> It will probably persist.****
> ** **
> ** **
> --
> [image: Description: Image removed by sender.]****
> Per Buer
> Phone: +47 21 98 92 61 / Mobile: +47 958 39 117 / Skype: per.buer
> *Varnish makes websites fly!*****
> Whitepapers <http://www.varnish-software.com/whitepapers> | Video<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7t2Sp174eI> |
> Twitter <https://twitter.com/varnishsoftware> ****
> ** **
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Per Buer
Phone: +47 21 98 92 61 / Mobile: +47 958 39 117 / Skype: per.buer
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