A little Christmas gift (VUG6 Videos and some stats)

Rubén Romero ruben at varnish-software.com
Fri Dec 21 17:21:03 CET 2012

Hello everyone,

Just in time before Christmas we have a little gift (yay!):

= VUG6 Videos =
Thanks to the BBC (for hosting the event and editing the videos) we managed
to upload the videos from the Varnish User Group meeting  @ in London, UK
to YouTube. All sessions from the Varnish User Day are in this playlist
(Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, once you are at it):

= Varnish Growth 2012 =
In other news,  Built With's trends show that Varnish usage has seen quite
a bit of growth the last year, being the Web Server (is it or is it not?)
with most growth the last twelve months:

So have a great holiday everyone and let's keep further web Varnishing in

*Rubén Romero*
Community Cheerleader | Varnish Software AS
Cell: +47 95964088 / Office: +47 21989260
Skype & Twitter: ruben_varnish
We Make Websites Fly!
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