Varnish Grace Question?

nick tailor nick.tailor at
Mon Jul 9 23:59:10 CEST 2012

Nevermind I got it working. In case anyone else runs into this.

You need have the following also setup in your grace configuration if you
went varnish to server stale content when backends are down. Set this to
like 6 hours, if this not set it defaults to 1 min and objects are removed
from the cache after 1 min and everything goes bye bye.

set beresp.ttl=1m;


Nick Tailor

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 12:37 PM, nick tailor <nick.tailor at> wrote:

> Hello,
> So, I used this link
> to
> setup my varnish stuff.
> Made some minor adjustments to the probes, however if I stop stop one of
> my webservers to see if the content my varnish serves is from the cache, it
> just shows a page service unavailble, and from what I've read you need to
> have the grace mode stuff in there, which this default vcl for version 3
> does.
> Anyone, have any ideas why my Drupal sites are not serving cached? when my
> backend are down.
> =====================================================
> # Respond to incoming requests.
> sub vcl_recv {
>   # Allow the backend to serve up stale content if it is responding slowly.
>   set req.grace = 6h;
> }
> # Code determining what to do when serving items from the Apache servers.
> sub vcl_fetch {
>   # Allow items to be stale if needed.
>   set beresp.grace = 6h;
> }
> =====================================================
> Cheers
> Nick Tailor
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