How to force build the cache

Hugo Cisneiros (Eitch) hugo.cisneiros at
Thu Jul 12 20:45:19 CEST 2012

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 3:37 PM, nick tailor <nick.tailor at> wrote:
> Is there a way to force build the cache for sites? other than using wget,
> which isnt the best way. Reason why is I am testing my cache when the
> backend goes down.
> I would like to ensure that all pages that need to cached are there, if the
> page has not been visited before then it wouldnt get cached.
> Is there a script or someone know a good way to achieve this?

You must use some sort of http fetch for warming the cache, it's the
only way varnish really knows how to fetch the desired pages and
generate internal cache.

A good utility to do this could be the varnishreplay(1) command. Take
a look at it.


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