Loading and using already compiled VCL?

Hugo Cisneiros (Eitch) hugo.cisneiros at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 01:29:23 CET 2012


I was talking with someone about Varnish and he raised an issue that got me
curious: is there any way to use a VCL object compiled in another machine?

Someone will question me: why do this crazy thing? :)

Many companies (mainly hosting ones) have this security policy on
prohibiting any gcc installed in any front-end server. That means Varnish
can't be installed.

Some could say that this is a bad policy, but it's the policy. For the
security people, it's another security layer (so it's good).

The solution could be to compile the VCL on another machine and load on the
servers, like a "package".

Or is there any other good solution? :)


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