Fwd: Checking wordpress in varnish ...Does not load after disable mysql or php.

Sachin Gupta sachingcs at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 09:05:55 CET 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sachin Gupta <sachingcs at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 1:33 PM
Subject: Checking wordpress in varnish ...Does not load after disable mysql
or php.
To: mailman at varnish-cache.org


I want to simple follow these steps.but this is not working for me..Can you
suggest to me .where i am doing wrong.

1. Set the TTL to 120 seconds (the default value in most setups I have
seen), in Varnish.
2. Visit your site's home page as a non-logged-in user.
3. Turn off MySQL and/or PHP.
4. Try to login to the WP backend (to make sure PHP or MySQL is really
turned off). You wouldn't be able to login now.
5. Visit your site's home page as a non-logged-in user.
6. If the home page shows up, Varnish is working.

Instead of home page, you may use any other page or post. You may want to
purge its cache before doing this tiny test that may fail, if the TTL
expires just before step #5.

Sachin Gupta
Linux System Administrator
Phone Number : 9198236204

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Sachin Gupta
Linux System Administrator
Phone Number : 9198236204

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