Dynamic ACLs

Tom Lobato tomlobato at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 09:26:33 CEST 2013

Hi Paul,
thank you very much for the help.
Does reloading vcl changes something in varnish, as reset cache or something that impact performance?

Tom Lobato

Em Apr 13, 2013, às 3:32 AM, "Paul A. Procacci" <pprocacci at datapipe.com> escreveu:

> On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 09:28:28PM -0300, Tom Lobato wrote:
>>      Hi All!
>>      Is there a way to change ACL content dynamically?
>>      I need to declare something like...
>>      acl alternative_backend {
>>              "domain1.com";
>>              "domain2.com;
>>      }
>>      and change its content (add/del itens) in vcl_recv while Varnish is running.
> The closest you will be able to get to this is to generate the definition using
> a scripting language of your choice to generate the necessary acl's; then reload
> the vcl via the management interface (varnishadm) to pick up the changes.
> ~Paul
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