Blank Referrer with Varnish

tousif baig tousif1988 at
Sat Feb 16 04:10:46 CET 2013

I think TxHeader meant the header being sent to the backend server or
application, so if VCL is working then it should send the referrer what i
want and not wat it is receiving.

So you think it is possible with this directive in varnish vcl to change or
blank referrer of the incoming traffic? Are there any other ways to do it
in vcl?

On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 8:27 AM, James Pearson <james at> wrote:

> Excerpts from tousif baig's message of 2013-02-14 22:49:09 -0800:
> > I was wondering if its possible to blank referrers with varnish and then
> > send it to the server for further processing.
> >
> > I tried this with *req.http.referer *and then *set req.http.referer* in
> > varnish 2.1 on centos 32-bit machine but it didn't work when i checked
> the
> > results with the command *varnishtop -i TxHeader -I Referer*
> If I was testing a rule like that, I'd do logging inside my backend
> application, not Varnish.  I believe that if you look at incoming requests,
> you'll see the headers before they are modified by your VCL, but I may be
> mistaken on that.
>  - P
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