url rewrite - varnish

nicée lenny bessay nlbessay at yahoo.fr
Tue Feb 5 11:29:11 CET 2013

Hi Sir,

I'm having problem rewriting the request from varnish to query the backend.

Here is what varnish receive ==> 


And I would like varnish to rewrite the url like this (http://cmsfoqua/xml/DetailLABEntete.xml) , then call the backend.

Here is my rule in vcl_recv subroutine:

set req.url = regsub(req.url, "^/vgnExtTemplating/stresource.([&?]SecurityKey=([a-zA-Z0-9])|[&?]SiteName=([a-zA-Z])|[&?]ServiceName=([a-zA-Z])|[&?]Language=([a-zA-Z])|[&?]ResourceName=([a-zA-Z])|[&?]TTL=([0-9])|[&?]CIBLAGE=([a-zA-Z]))*", "/xml/\1\2\4.xml");

Here is actually what the backend get : /xml/.xml

Please, Help!!!!


Lenny   BESSAY 

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