benchmarking varnish

Miguel González miguel_3_gonzalez at
Tue May 14 20:07:58 CEST 2013

On 13/05/2013 05:33, Miguel González wrote:
> On 12/03/2013 12:35, Jonathan Matthews wrote:
>> On 12 March 2013 11:26, Miguel Gonzalez <miguel_3_gonzalez at> 
>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>>    I have a Varnish 3 installation pointing to an Apache Server. Any 
>>> manual
>>> of how to tune Varnish, OS, Apache and any manual of how to test 
>>> Varnish
>>> considering it's a cache tool?
>> Have you worked through
>> yet?
>> Jonathan
> Sorry I haven't replied for so long. I was trying to make sense of the 
> docs.
> From my munin monitoring and varnishstat it seems I'm getting around 
> 80% of hitrate in my Varnish cache. This Varnish cache has a remote 
> Apache backup (Varnish is in a server in Europe while Apache is in a 
> server in the US.
> How can I pinpoint why is not working fast?

It seems one of the issues was that pingdom was misleading because It 
always reported all tests were resulting into a MISS instead of a HIT. 
Checking with wget -S gave some real information.

Also normalizing user agents could help when it comes to caching images 
and certain files:

this seems to have increased the hitrate



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