varnish-cache-3.0.3-plus increase %CPU and crashed by "errno = 12(Cannot allocate memory)"

Xianzhe Wang wxz19861013 at
Wed May 15 04:44:48 CEST 2013

    I used varnish-cache-3.0.3-plus(get from
I use persistent storage and "set beresp.do_stream = true".
The %CPU  is increased from 4% to 800% (8 cpu), and varnish crashed
sometimes by errno = 12 (Cannot allocate memory).

my startup command is:
/opt/ace/cache/varnish-cache-3.0.3-plus/sbin/varnishd -f
/opt/ace/cache/varnish-stream.vcl -s
persistent,/opt/ace/file/,12G -T  -p thread_pool_min 200 -p thread_pool_max 2000 -p
thread_pool_add_delay 2 -p session_linger 100 -p thread_pools 2 -p
http_req_hdr_len 32768 -p http_resp_hdr_len 32768 -p http_max_hdr 256

Then I change the command  to:
/opt/ace/cache/varnish-cache-3.0.3-plus/sbin/varnishd -f
/opt/ace/cache/varnish-stream.vcl -s
persistent,/opt/ace/file/,12G -T *-h classic,500009* -p thread_pool_min 200 -p thread_pool_max
2000 -p thread_pool_add_delay 2 -p session_linger 100 -p thread_pools 2 -p
http_req_hdr_len 32768 -p http_resp_hdr_len 32768 -p http_max_hdr 256 *-p
lru_interval 3600*

The %CPU is increasing too, but varnish hasn't crashed for 16 hours.

Is there somebody has  experience about this problem?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Here is the information about system  and varnish.

top - 09:37:36 up 50 days, 13:06,  3 users,  load average: 5.00, 4.97, 4.73
Tasks: 141 total,   1 running, 140 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 62.6%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 37.4%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,
Mem:     20132M total,    19781M used,      351M free,      137M buffers
Swap:     4102M total,        3M used,     4098M free,    18517M cached


12255 nobody    20   0 14.7g  11g  11g S  502 59.8   2280:28 varnishd

30934 acce      20   0  8772 1212  872 R    0  0.0   0:00.02 top

free -m:
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         20132      19782        350          0        137      18517
-/+ buffers/cache:       1127      19004
Swap:         4102          3       4098

ulimit -a:
core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority             (-e) 0
file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals                 (-i) 156007
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) 17523512
open files                      (-n) 65535
pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority              (-r) 0
stack size              (kbytes, -s) 4096
cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes              (-u) 156007
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) 19853520
file locks                      (-x) unlimited

Last panic at: Tue, 14 May 2013 02:56:50 GMT
Assert error in CNT_Session(), cache_center.c line 1813:
  Condition((w->do_stream) == 0) not true.
errno = 12 (Cannot allocate memory)
thread = (cache-worker)
ident = Linux,,x86_64,-spersistent,-smalloc,-hcritbit,epoll
sp = 0x7f4dcd947008 {
  fd = 1435, id = 1435, xid = 1304392785,
  client = xx.xx.xx.xx 2396,
  step = STP_DONE,
  handling = hit_for_pass,
  err_code = 502, err_reason = (null),
  restarts = 0, esi_level = 0
  flags =  do_stream is_gunzip
  bodystatus = 4
  ws = 0x7f4dcd947080 {
    id = "sess",
    {s,f,r,e} = {0x7f4dcd949610,+344,(nil),+65536},
  http[req] = {
    ws = 0x7f4dcd947080[sess]
      "Accept: */*",
      "Accept-Language: zh-cn",
      "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive",
      "Pragma: no-cache",
      "X-Forwarded-For: xx.xx.xx.xx",
      "Accept-Encoding: gzip",
  worker = 0x7f4d83a1ca90 {
    ws = 0x7f4d83a1ccd8 {
      id = "wrk",
      {s,f,r,e} = {0x7f4d83a0aa20,+616,(nil),+65536},
    vcl = {
      srcname = {

/opt/ace/cache/varnish-cache-3.0.3-plus/bin/varnishstat -1
acce at sz-acce-varnish01:~>
/opt/huawei/ace/cache/varnish-cache-3.0.3-plus/bin/varnishstat -1
client_conn            2341640        40.03 Client connections accepted
client_drop                  8         0.00 Connection dropped, no sess/wrk
client_req             3031369        51.82 Client requests received
cache_hit               164025         2.80 Cache hits
cache_hitpass           409263         7.00 Cache hits for pass
cache_miss             1857720        31.75 Cache misses
backend_conn            500716         8.56 Backend conn. success
backend_unhealthy            0         0.00 Backend conn. not attempted
backend_busy                 0         0.00 Backend conn. too many
backend_fail              8097         0.14 Backend conn. failures
backend_reuse          2375031        40.60 Backend conn. reuses
backend_toolate          34982         0.60 Backend conn. was closed
backend_recycle        2410099        41.20 Backend conn. recycles
backend_retry            15375         0.26 Backend conn. retry
fetch_head                1051         0.02 Fetch head
fetch_length           2185540        37.36 Fetch with Length
fetch_chunked           600378        10.26 Fetch chunked
fetch_eof                    0         0.00 Fetch EOF
fetch_streamed         2792280        47.73 Fetch streamed
fetch_bad                    0         0.00 Fetch had bad headers
fetch_close              10117         0.17 Fetch wanted close
fetch_oldhttp                0         0.00 Fetch pre HTTP/1.1 closed
fetch_zero                   0         0.00 Fetch zero len
fetch_failed             37332         0.64 Fetch failed
fetch_1xx                    0         0.00 Fetch no body (1xx)
fetch_204                 2720         0.05 Fetch no body (204)
fetch_304                12112         0.21 Fetch no body (304)
n_sess_mem                7231          .   N struct sess_mem
n_sess                      93          .   N struct sess
n_object                 86410          .   N struct object
n_vampireobject              0          .   N unresurrected objects
n_objectcore             86666          .   N struct objectcore
n_objecthead             51679          .   N struct objecthead
n_waitinglist            22932          .   N struct waitinglist
n_vbc                       24          .   N struct vbc
n_wrk                      400          .   N worker threads
n_wrk_create             14003         0.24 N worker threads created
n_wrk_failed              2553         0.04 N worker threads not created
n_wrk_max                    0         0.00 N worker threads limited
n_wrk_lqueue                 0         0.00 work request queue length
n_wrk_queued            114487         1.96 N queued work requests
n_wrk_drop                   8         0.00 N dropped work requests
n_backend                    4          .   N backends
n_expired              1427930          .   N expired objects
n_lru_nuked              42056          .   N LRU nuked objects
n_lru_moved                  0          .   N LRU moved objects
losthdr                    112         0.00 HTTP header overflows
n_objsendfile                0         0.00 Objects sent with sendfile
n_objwrite              194021         3.32 Objects sent with write
n_objoverflow                0         0.00 Objects overflowing workspace
s_sess                 2341612        40.03 Total Sessions
s_req                  3031369        51.82 Total Requests
s_pipe                    7436         0.13 Total pipe
s_pass                 1003423        17.15 Total pass
s_fetch                  17926         0.31 Total fetch
s_stream               2787698        47.65 Total streamed requests
s_hdrbytes          1048771245     17927.10 Total header bytes
s_bodybytes        20286532441    346766.48 Total body bytes
sess_closed            1781645        30.45 Session Closed
sess_pipeline            11352         0.19 Session Pipeline
sess_readahead            7111         0.12 Session Read Ahead
sess_linger            1375398        23.51 Session Linger
sess_herd               874711        14.95 Session herd
shm_records          244018270      4171.11 SHM records
shm_writes            19725032       337.17 SHM writes
shm_flushes               3325         0.06 SHM flushes due to overflow
shm_cont                 33597         0.57 SHM MTX contention
shm_cycles                 104         0.00 SHM cycles through buffer
sms_nreq                 49339         0.84 SMS allocator requests
sms_nobj                     0          .   SMS outstanding allocations
sms_nbytes                   0          .   SMS outstanding bytes
sms_balloc            23339027          .   SMS bytes allocated
sms_bfree             23339027          .   SMS bytes freed
backend_req            2867335        49.01 Backend requests made
n_vcl                        1         0.00 N vcl total
n_vcl_avail                  1         0.00 N vcl available
n_vcl_discard                0         0.00 N vcl discarded
n_ban                        1          .   N total active bans
n_ban_gone                   1          .   N total gone bans
n_ban_add                    6         0.00 N new bans added
n_ban_retire                 5         0.00 N old bans deleted
n_ban_obj_test           23688         0.40 N objects tested
n_ban_re_test                0         0.00 N regexps tested against
n_ban_dups                   5         0.00 N duplicate bans removed
hcb_nolock                   0         0.00 HCB Lookups without lock
hcb_lock                     0         0.00 HCB Lookups with lock
hcb_insert                   0         0.00 HCB Inserts
esi_errors                   0         0.00 ESI parse errors (unlock)
esi_warnings                 0         0.00 ESI parse warnings (unlock)
accept_fail                  0         0.00 Accept failures
client_drop_late             0         0.00 Connection dropped late
uptime                   58502         1.00 Client uptime
dir_dns_lookups              0         0.00 DNS director lookups
dir_dns_failed               0         0.00 DNS director failed lookups
dir_dns_hit                  0         0.00 DNS director cached lookups hit
dir_dns_cache_full           0         0.00 DNS director full dnscache
vmods                        0          .   Loaded VMODs
n_gzip                       0         0.00 Gzip operations
n_gunzip               1266712        21.65 Gunzip operations
LCK.sms.creat                1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.sms.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.sms.locks           148017         2.53 Lock Operations
LCK.sms.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.smp.creat                1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.smp.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.smp.locks         10868618       185.78 Lock Operations
LCK.smp.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.sma.creat                1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.sma.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.sma.locks          4945521        84.54 Lock Operations
LCK.sma.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.smf.creat                0         0.00 Created locks
LCK.smf.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.smf.locks                0         0.00 Lock Operations
LCK.smf.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.hsl.creat                0         0.00 Created locks
LCK.hsl.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.hsl.locks                0         0.00 Lock Operations
LCK.hsl.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.hcb.creat                0         0.00 Created locks
LCK.hcb.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.hcb.locks                0         0.00 Lock Operations
LCK.hcb.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.hcl.creat           500009         8.55 Created locks
LCK.hcl.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.hcl.locks          4918023        84.07 Lock Operations
LCK.hcl.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.vcl.creat                1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.vcl.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.vcl.locks          2573092        43.98 Lock Operations
LCK.vcl.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.stat.creat               1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.stat.destroy             0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.stat.locks         7933355       135.61 Lock Operations
LCK.stat.colls               0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.sessmem.creat            1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.sessmem.destroy            0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.sessmem.locks        7932823       135.60 Lock Operations
LCK.sessmem.colls              0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.wstat.creat                1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.wstat.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.wstat.locks           142801         2.44 Lock Operations
LCK.wstat.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.herder.creat               1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.herder.destroy             0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.herder.locks            4032         0.07 Lock Operations
LCK.herder.colls               0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.wq.creat                   2         0.00 Created locks
LCK.wq.destroy                 0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.wq.locks            11199698       191.44 Lock Operations
LCK.wq.colls                   0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.objhdr.creat          800591        13.68 Created locks
LCK.objhdr.destroy        748913        12.80 Destroyed locks
LCK.objhdr.locks        15295089       261.45 Lock Operations
LCK.objhdr.colls               0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.exp.creat                  1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.exp.destroy                0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.exp.locks            3544111        60.58 Lock Operations
LCK.exp.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.lru.creat               9854         0.17 Created locks
LCK.lru.destroy             8840         0.15 Destroyed locks
LCK.lru.locks            2066424        35.32 Lock Operations
LCK.lru.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.cli.creat                  1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.cli.destroy                0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.cli.locks              19486         0.33 Lock Operations
LCK.cli.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.ban.creat                  1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.ban.destroy                0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.ban.locks            3842809        65.69 Lock Operations
LCK.ban.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.vbp.creat                  1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.vbp.destroy                0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.vbp.locks               7808         0.13 Lock Operations
LCK.vbp.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.vbe.creat                  1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.vbe.destroy                0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.vbe.locks            1017738        17.40 Lock Operations
LCK.vbe.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.backend.creat              4         0.00 Created locks
LCK.backend.destroy            0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.backend.locks        6346813       108.49 Lock Operations
LCK.backend.colls              0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.busyobj.creat          13983         0.24 Created locks
LCK.busyobj.destroy        13582         0.23 Destroyed locks
LCK.busyobj.locks       47081281       804.78 Lock Operations
LCK.busyobj.colls              0         0.00 Collisions
SMP.s0.c_req             3025767          .   Allocater requests
SMP.s0.c_fail                352          .   Allocater failures
SMP.s0.c_bytes      115414281600          .   Bytes allocated
SMP.s0.c_freed      110868836208          .   Bytes freed
SMP.s0.g_alloc            158780          .   Allocations outstanding
SMP.s0.g_bytes        4545445392          .   Bytes outstanding
SMP.s0.g_free          138490880          .   Free space
SMP.s0.g_free_pending            0          .   Free space pending
SMP.s0.g_segments             1012          .   In use segments
SMP.s0.c_segments_nuked         8506          .   Number of nuked segments
SMP.s0.g_vampireobjects            0          .   Vampire objects
SMP.s0.c_resurrection_fail           46          .   Failed resurrections
SMA.Transient.c_req             2271927        38.84 Allocator requests
SMA.Transient.c_fail                  0         0.00 Allocator failures
SMA.Transient.c_bytes       59014304554   1008757.04 Bytes allocated
SMA.Transient.c_freed       58939691205   1007481.65 Bytes freed
SMA.Transient.g_alloc             18069          .   Allocations outstanding
SMA.Transient.g_bytes          74613349          .   Bytes outstanding
SMA.Transient.g_space                 0          .   Bytes available
VBE.proxy1(,,8080).vcls            1          .   VCL references
VBE.proxy1(,,8080).happy18446744073709551615          .   Happy
health probes
VBE.proxy2(,,8080).vcls            1          .   VCL references
VBE.proxy2(,,8080).happy18446744056529682431          .   Happy
health probes
VBE.proxy3(,,8082).vcls            1          .   VCL references
VBE.proxy3(,,8082).happy18446744073709551615          .   Happy
health probes
VBE.proxy4(,,8081).vcls            1          .   VCL references
VBE.proxy4(,,8081).happy18446744073709551615          .   Happy
health probes

acce at sz-acce-varnish01:~> cat /opt/huawei/ace/cache/varnish-stream.vcl
# This is a basic VCL configuration file for varnish.  See the vcl(7)
# man page for details on VCL syntax and semantics.
# Default backend definition.  Set this to point to your content
# server.

probe healthcheck {
   .url = "/";
   .interval = 30s;
   .timeout = 0.5s;
   .window = 8;
   .threshold = 3;
   .initial = 3;

backend proxy1 {
     .host = "";
     .port = "8080";
     .probe = healthcheck;

backend proxy2 {
     .host = "";
     .port = "8080";
     .probe = healthcheck;

backend proxy3 {
     .host = "";
     .port = "8082";
     .probe = healthcheck;

backend proxy4 {
     .host = "";
     .port = "8081";
     .probe = healthcheck;

director proxy client {
      .backend = proxy1;
      .weight = 1;
      .backend = proxy2;
      .weight = 1;
#   {
#      .backend = proxy3;
#      .weight = 1;
#   }
#   {
#      .backend = proxy4;
#  .weight = 1;
#   }

acl refresh {

# Below is a commented-out copy of the default VCL logic.  If you
# redefine any of these subroutines, the built-in logic will be
# appended to your code.
 sub vcl_recv {

          set client.identity = req.http.X-Real-IP;
    }else if (req.http.referer) {
          set client.identity = req.http.referer;
          set client.identity = req.url;
# set req.backend = proxy;
     if (client.ip == "" || client.ip == ""){

        if (req.http.X-SZ-TEST && req.http.X-SZ-TEST == "1"){
            set req.backend = proxy3;
        } else {
            set req.backend = proxy;

     } else {
       set req.backend = proxy4;
       if (client.ip ~ refresh) {
             set req.hash_always_miss = true;

    #set grace
    if (req.backend.healthy) {
      set req.grace = 30s;
    } else {
      set req.grace = 30m;

    if (req.restarts == 0) {
        if (req.http.x-forwarded-for) {
            set req.http.X-Forwarded-For =
                req.http.X-Forwarded-For + ", " + client.ip;
        } else {
            set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;
     if (req.request != "GET" &&
       req.request != "HEAD" &&
       req.request != "PUT" &&
       req.request != "POST" &&
       req.request != "TRACE" &&
       req.request != "OPTIONS" &&
       req.request != "DELETE") {
#         /* Non-RFC2616 or CONNECT which is weird. */
         return (pipe);

     if (req.http.x-pipe && req.restarts > 0) {
         remove req.http.x-pipe;
         return (pipe);

     if(req.request != "GET" && req.request != "HEAD") {
#         /* We only deal with GET and HEAD by default */
         return (pass);

    if (req.http.Cache-Control ~ "no-cache") {
     return (pass);

     if (req.http.Accept-Encoding) {
        if (req.url ~
            # No point in compressing these
            remove req.http.Accept-Encoding;
        } elsif (req.http.Accept-Encoding ~ "gzip") {
            set req.http.Accept-Encoding = "gzip";
        } elsif (req.http.Accept-Encoding ~ "deflate") {
            set req.http.Accept-Encoding = "deflate";
        } else {
            # unknown algorithm
            remove req.http.Accept-Encoding;

#    if (req.request == "GET" &&
#       req.url ~
#         unset req.http.Cookie;
#          return (lookup);
#     }

#     if (req.http.Authorization || req.http.Cookie) {
#     return (pass);
#     }

     if (req.http.Authorization) {
         return (pass);

     return (lookup);

 sub vcl_pipe {
#     # Note that only the first request to the backend will have
#     # X-Forwarded-For set.  If you use X-Forwarded-For and want to
#     # have it set for all requests, make sure to have:
        set bereq.http.connection = "close";
#     # here.  It is not set by default as it might break some broken web
#     # applications, like IIS with NTLM authentication.
     return (pipe);

 sub vcl_pass {

     return (pass);

 sub vcl_hash {

   if (req.url ~ ".(jpeg|jpg|png|gif|ico|js|css)\?.*") {
       hash_data(regsub(req.url, "\?[^\?]*$", ""));
     } else{

#     hash_data(req.url);

     if ( {
     } else {
     return (hash);

 sub vcl_hit {

     return (deliver);

 sub vcl_miss {

     return (fetch);

 sub vcl_fetch {
    set beresp.grace = 30m;

    set beresp.do_stream = true;

    if (beresp.http.Content-Length && beresp.http.Content-Length ~
"[0-9]{8,}") {
        set req.http.x-pipe = "1";
        return (restart);

    if (beresp.http.Pragma ~ "no-cache" || beresp.http.Cache-Control ~
"no-cache" || beresp.http.Cache-Control ~ "private"){
         return (hit_for_pass);

     if (beresp.ttl <= 0s ||
         beresp.http.Set-Cookie ||
         beresp.http.Vary == "*") {

            set beresp.ttl = 120 s;
            return (hit_for_pass);

    if(beresp.status >=300 && beresp.status <= 307){
       set beresp.ttl = 120 s;
       return (hit_for_pass);

     return (deliver);

sub vcl_deliver {
    if (obj.hits > 0) {
       set resp.http.X-Cache = "HIT from varnis";
       set resp.http.X-Hits = obj.hits;
    } else {
      set resp.http.X-Cache = "MISS from varnish";
    remove resp.http.Via;
    remove resp.http.X-Varnish;

    return (deliver);

 sub vcl_error {
     set obj.http.Content-Type = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
     set obj.http.Retry-After = "5";
     synthetic {"
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
     <title>"} + obj.status + " " + obj.response + {"</title>
     <h1>Error "} + obj.status + " " + obj.response + {"</h1>
     <p>"} + obj.response + {"</p>
     <h3>Guru Meditation:</h3>
     <p>XID: "} + req.xid + {"</p>
     <p>Varnish cache server</p>
     return (deliver);

 sub vcl_init {
        return (ok);

 sub vcl_fini {
        return (ok);

acceptor_sleep_decay        0.900000 []
acceptor_sleep_incr         0.001000 [s]
acceptor_sleep_max          0.050000 [s]
auto_restart                on [bool]
ban_dups                    on [bool]
ban_lurker_sleep            0.010000 [s]
between_bytes_timeout       60.000000 [s]
cc_command                  "exec gcc -std=gnu99  -pthread -fpic -shared
-Wl,-x -o %o %s"
cli_buffer                  8192 [bytes]
cli_timeout                 10 [seconds]
clock_skew                  10 [s]
connect_timeout             0.700000 [s]
critbit_cooloff             180.000000 [s]
default_grace               10.000000 [seconds]
default_keep                0.000000 [seconds]
default_ttl                 120.000000 [seconds]
diag_bitmap                 0x0 [bitmap]
esi_syntax                  0 [bitmap]
expiry_sleep                1.000000 [seconds]
fetch_chunksize             128 [kilobytes]
fetch_maxchunksize          262144 [kilobytes]
first_byte_timeout          60.000000 [s]
group                       nobody (65533)
gzip_level                  6 []
gzip_memlevel               8 []
gzip_stack_buffer           32768 [Bytes]
gzip_tmp_space              0 []
gzip_window                 15 []
http_gzip_support           on [bool]
http_max_hdr                256 [header lines]
http_range_support          on [bool]
http_req_hdr_len            32768 [bytes]
http_req_size               32768 [bytes]
http_resp_hdr_len           32768 [bytes]
http_resp_size              32768 [bytes]
idle_send_timeout           60 [seconds]
listen_depth                1024 [connections]
log_hashstring              on [bool]
log_local_address           off [bool]
lru_interval                3600 [seconds]
max_esi_depth               5 [levels]
max_restarts                4 [restarts]
nuke_limit                  50 [allocations]
pcre_match_limit            10000 []
pcre_match_limit_recursion  10000 []
ping_interval               3 [seconds]
pipe_timeout                60 [seconds]
prefer_ipv6                 off [bool]
queue_max                   100 [%]
rush_exponent               3 [requests per request]
saintmode_threshold         10 [objects]
send_timeout                600 [seconds]
sess_timeout                5 [seconds]
sess_workspace              65536 [bytes]
session_linger              100 [ms]
session_max                 100000 [sessions]
shm_reclen                  255 [bytes]
shm_workspace               8192 [bytes]
shortlived                  10.000000 [s]
stream_maxchunksize         256 [kilobytes]
stream_tokens               10 []
syslog_cli_traffic          on [bool]
thread_pool_add_delay       2 [milliseconds]
thread_pool_add_threshold   0 [requests]
thread_pool_fail_delay      200 [milliseconds]
thread_pool_max             2000 [threads]
thread_pool_min             200 [threads]
thread_pool_purge_delay     1000 [milliseconds]
thread_pool_stack           unlimited [bytes]
thread_pool_timeout         300 [seconds]
thread_pool_workspace       65536 [bytes]
thread_pools                2 [pools]
thread_stats_rate           10 [requests]
user                        nobody (65534)
vcc_err_unref               on [bool]
vcl_trace                   off [bool]
waiter                      default (epoll, poll)

Thank you again.

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