400 error returned by varnish

Puneet Arora puneet.arora at insticator.com
Thu Apr 3 18:46:12 CEST 2014

Hi All,

I have this crazy issue that happens some times. Varnish returns 400 error
response and does not sends the request to the backend.

I am using varnish for caching static elements along with the security
module of varnish security.vcl. It has a LoadBalancer (haproxy) in front of
it which also serves SSL termination.

Firstly, the error happens sometimes (not able to figure out any pattern).
And once i happens I have to clear my browser cache to get rid of it, and
after that it works usual.

Secondly, there is a LOST HEADER  c COOKIE : in the logs.  But I am unable
to figure out what is the issue and how to resolve it.

   0 CLI          - Rd ping
    0 CLI          - Wr 200 19 PONG 1396541072 1.0
   11 SessionOpen  c 37020 :3002
   11 ReqStart     c 37020 1943004300
   11 RxRequest    c GET
   11 RxURL        c /
   11 RxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
   11 RxHeader     c Host: mywebsite.com
   11 RxHeader     c User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64;
rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0
   11 RxHeader     c Accept:
   11 RxHeader     c Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
   11 RxHeader     c Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
   11 LostHeader   c Cookie:
optimizelyBuckets=%7B%7D; __zlcmid=NydchMMELhVZZz; gs_u_GSN-985801-P=133
   11 HttpGarbage  c GET
   11 VCL_call     c error deliver
   11 VCL_call     c deliver deliver
   11 TxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
   11 TxStatus     c 400
   11 TxResponse   c Bad Request
   11 TxHeader     c Accept-Ranges: bytes
   11 TxHeader     c Age: 0
   11 TxHeader     c Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:04:34 GMT
   11 TxHeader     c Content-Length: 409
   11 TxHeader     c Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
   11 TxHeader     c X-Cache: MISS
   11 Length       c 409
   11 ReqEnd       c 1943004300 1396541074.854442120 1396541074.854650736
0.000062227 0.000128031 0.000080585
   11 SessionClose c error
   11 StatSess     c 37020 0 1 1 0 0 0 171 409
    0 CLI          - Rd ping
    0 CLI          - Wr 200 19 PONG 1396541075 1.0

Looking for any help to figure out the issue and suggestions to resolve it.

*Puneet Arora, Lead Developer*



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