Varnish package build - tests fail

James Pearson james at
Wed Aug 27 00:41:42 CEST 2014

Excerpts from Viktor Villafuerte's message of 2014-08-26 15:30:35 -0700:
> Hi James,
> thanks for your answer. Excuse my ignorance though.. :) What exactly do
> mean by running the test several times? In the spec file there's a
> section which runs the tests. I can comment out that and skip them all..
> I'm just not sure how to run them few times as you suggest. Could you
> elaborate on the 'tests rerun' a little more?

I don't have much experience with spec files, so perhaps what I'm suggesting
doesn't make much sense.

Are the tests run automatically as part of the command that builds an rpm?  Can
you paste the snippet that you've commented out?
 - James
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