Varnish package build - tests fail
Viktor Villafuerte
viktor.villafuerte at
Wed Aug 27 01:10:18 CEST 2014
this is the spec file section. Please, note the 'make check' line. I
haven't actually tried to comment it out, but found on the internet an
article that says to take it out if tests fail etc.
I don't feel very comfortable to taking them all out as I'm sure that
(at least some) they're important..?
Also as the code snippet below shows, I could simply delete the one test
in question from the source, but again I'm not sure that it's the best
thing to do.
# The redhat ppc builders seem to have some ulimit problems?
# These tests work on a rhel4 ppc/ppc64 instance outside the builders
%ifarch ppc64 ppc
%if 0%{?rhel} == 4
rm bin/varnishtest/tests/c00031.vtc
rm bin/varnishtest/tests/r00387.vtc
make check %{?_smp_mflags} LD_LIBRARY_PATH="../../lib/libvarnish/.libs:../../lib/libvarnishcompat/.libs:../../lib/libvarnishapi/.libs:../../lib/libvcc/.libs:../../lib/libvgz/.libs" VERBOSE=1
rm -rf %{buildroot}
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} INSTALL="install -p"
On Tue 26 Aug 2014 15:41:42, James Pearson wrote:
> Excerpts from Viktor Villafuerte's message of 2014-08-26 15:30:35 -0700:
> > Hi James,
> >
> > thanks for your answer. Excuse my ignorance though.. :) What exactly do
> > mean by running the test several times? In the spec file there's a
> > section which runs the tests. I can comment out that and skip them all..
> > I'm just not sure how to run them few times as you suggest. Could you
> > elaborate on the 'tests rerun' a little more?
> I don't have much experience with spec files, so perhaps what I'm suggesting
> doesn't make much sense.
> Are the tests run automatically as part of the command that builds an rpm? Can
> you paste the snippet that you've commented out?
> - James
Viktor Villafuerte
Optus Internet Engineering
t: 02 808-25265
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