Determine if grace object is available

Kevin Day toasty at
Mon Jul 21 23:35:25 CEST 2014

Hi, Varnish people!

I’d like to get fancy with grace stored objects, but I’m not sure how to do this. Can I determine if there’s a grace object I could deliver? Basically I want my logic to be:

1) If the backend returns a 200, cache and deliver as normal.
2) If the backend returns anything other than a 200, and I have a stale object I could serve anyway, serve it.
3) If the backend returns anything other than a 200, restart to redirect to a final fallback.

I know how to do #1 and #3, but I’m not sure where/how I can do #2. Is there a way of determining if I could fallback to a stale object? If so, any pointers?

— Kevin

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