/var/lib/varnish tmpfs recommended size and multiple _.vsm files
Richard Guest
R.Guest at gns.cri.nz
Wed May 27 23:54:59 CEST 2015
I'm afraid I can't help here, but I would like to pipe up and say that I
noticed this behaviour on some of our varnish hosts also.
If someone more intimately familiar with the relevant code could chime in
shed some light on this, then I'm sure we could figure out a sane number
fairly quickly.
My best guess (and I stress guess here, because I've done literally zero
investigation) is it's related to a client still reading from the SHM log,
it's politely moved to one side, rather than just being destroyed.
Does that sound plausible? Anyone...?
> Hi,
> Any suggestions on size of /var/lib/varnish while mounted as tmpfs? We
> only have one instance, therefore we thought it would be enough to set
> it slightly bigger than 82MB, but while restarting Varnish, some other
> shmlog file named _.vsm.4311 got created and Varnish failed to start
> because of full disk. Therefore we could not be sure about size of
> tmpfs.
> Thanks
> On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 6:12 PM, Web Teknik <webteknik.tcmb at gmail.com>
> > Hi,
> >
> > After reading Varnish Book and Varnish wiki, we decided to put
> > /var/lib/varnish directory to tmpfs with following line in /etc/fstab
> >
> > tmpfs /var/lib/varnish tmpfs
> > defaults,noatime,size=128M 0 0
> >
> >
> > However, while trying restarting varnish, another shmlog file which is
> > named _.vsm.4311 is also stored under /var/lib/varnish/<host> whose
> > size is 42MB. As a result Varnish refused to start since disk is full.
> > We couldn't reproduce the issue that _.vsm.somenumber (PID?) is
> > created. Under which conditions multiple _.vsm files are created and
> > in order to prevent failure, what is the recommended size for
> > /var/lib/varnish directory?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
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