Varnish not purging via Magento 2 - throwing 403 Forbidden error - help please

Per Buer perbu at
Mon Apr 4 09:57:16 CEST 2016

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 8:56 PM, John Risby <john at> wrote:

> Hi Per,
> Thanks for the reply.
> I'm sorry, I missed off the first part of the log which is
> *   << Request  >> 2
> -   Begin          req 1 rxreq
> -   Timestamp      Start: 1459708682.774223 0.000000 0.000000
> -   Timestamp      Req: 1459708682.774223 0.000000 0.000000
> -   HttpGarbage    "PURGE%00"
> -   ReqAcct        47 0 47 28 0 28
> -   End

Magento does something weird here. It says PURGE and then a null character.
It should be something PURGE /... HTTP/1.1.

So check the magento config or the code that issues the purge.

> 2) It's then trying to access /app/et/config.php but failing and returning
> 403. My vcl is generated from the Magento admin backend so should be right
> and the admin page where I'm flushing the cache is being accessed from
> https anyway, so shouldn't that mean it is totally ignored? This is a test
> server, so no one else is accessing the site and this request is consistent
> every time I hit Flush Magento Cache on the backend. Any idea why it is
> trying/failing to access this file?

No, I don't. I don't know Magento. :-/

*Per Buer*
CTO | Varnish Software AS
Cell: +47 95839117
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