Varnish not purging via Magento 2 - throwing 403 Forbidden error - help please

John Risby john at
Mon Apr 4 09:59:51 CEST 2016

Great, thanks Per. That's helped narrow it down. I'll check the Magento
code and see what it is doing. Should hopefully be simple to fix.

Don't worry about the second bit, as long as it purges the cache, that's
the main thing.

Thank you

On 4 April 2016 at 09:57, Per Buer <perbu at> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 8:56 PM, John Risby <john at> wrote:
>> Hi Per,
>> Thanks for the reply.
>> I'm sorry, I missed off the first part of the log which is
>> *   << Request  >> 2
>> -   Begin          req 1 rxreq
>> -   Timestamp      Start: 1459708682.774223 0.000000 0.000000
>> -   Timestamp      Req: 1459708682.774223 0.000000 0.000000
>> -   HttpGarbage    "PURGE%00"
>> -   ReqAcct        47 0 47 28 0 28
>> -   End
> Magento does something weird here. It says PURGE and then a null
> character. It should be something PURGE /... HTTP/1.1.
> So check the magento config or the code that issues the purge.
> (..)
>> 2) It's then trying to access /app/et/config.php but failing and
>> returning 403. My vcl is generated from the Magento admin backend so should
>> be right and the admin page where I'm flushing the cache is being accessed
>> from https anyway, so shouldn't that mean it is totally ignored? This is a
>> test server, so no one else is accessing the site and this request is
>> consistent every time I hit Flush Magento Cache on the backend. Any idea
>> why it is trying/failing to access this file?
> No, I don't. I don't know Magento. :-/
> --
> *Per Buer*
> CTO | Varnish Software AS
> Cell: +47 95839117
> We Make Websites Fly!
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