HTTP error code in case of workspace overflow

Dridi Boukelmoune dridi at
Thu Aug 25 08:41:07 UTC 2022


On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 9:26 AM <findmyname at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was looking on this Varnish troubleshooting guide, section "Not enough workspace memory".
> There is info that Varnish should return 503 HTTP code when there is overflow:
> When a task consumes more memory than allowed in one of the specific workspace contexts, the transaction is aborted, and an HTTP 503 response is returned. When a workspace_session overflow occurs, the connection will be closed.
> Additionally I noticed this PR where is mentioned that Varnish should return 500 in case of overflow which kinda make sense ...
> I tracked this change to current master and there is still 500 code:
> -
> -
> The question obviously is if the DOC talks about something different or the code should be adjusted.

Excellent detective work. The documentation should be adjusted.

I reported your finding to the developer portal team and we will
figure out a communication channel to report issues directly related
to the portal itself.


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