"vtest" script for review/experimentation

Dridi Boukelmoune dridi at varni.sh
Mon Nov 14 12:30:51 CET 2016

> I would appreciate if people would take a few minutes to
> review and possibly test this script to see that it is
> as portable as I hope.

As the official shell over-enthusiast I will review it.

First nitpick:

> nice make distclean > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
> nice /usr/bin/time sh autogen.des

The first distclean is redundant, it is done by autogen.des already,
unless you want to avoid timing the distclean too.

I would replace `/usr/bin/time` by `command time` to pick the binary
from the PATH, or `command time -v` if it's portable.

I would log and create the report in $TMPDIR.

In failedtests() you assume that all tests are VTCs but a distcheck
will include C tests as well, although they fail less often.

Further review later, that was a quick skim through the script.

> The script should run fine without root permission, but
> since we would also like coverage of the JAIL bits I hope
> we can get some people to run it as root also, and therefore
> it needs to be reviewed and scrutinized properly.

Bringing an "esoteric" here, what about capabilities to run as a
pseudo-root? Where your process thinks it's run by root, and has root
privileges in (let's call it) its container.

Can you pretend to be root in a FreeBSD jail and have actual
privileges limited to inside the jail?

Otherwise there's VMs...


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