varnish2.1.5 suspended sometimes

xuejing xuejin3 at
Fri Feb 3 03:59:49 CET 2012

My company develops a relatively well trafficked website,and since we've had varnish up, we've got varnish suspended sometimes, which makes our team very unhappy.
At first, we were really running with default settings. We are using 2.1.5 and started with basic parameter "-a -f default.vcl -s malloc,2G -T -p thread_pools=8". 
Our varnish suspended every two months when varnishlog stopped updating log and varnish could not wake up itself, so we have to restart it manually. Maybe the network was not stable for a little while when varnish crashed , but we could not find any other presage. I'm writing to ask for help.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon! 
Best wishes! 
Yours truly,


 商雪晶   xuejin3 at

地址:北京市海淀区彩和坊路6号朔黄发展大厦7层, 100080
18F, SHUO HUANG PLAZA, No. 6, CaiHeFand Road,  
Haidian, Beijing 100080,China
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