Setting a region cookie

Michael Loftis mloftis at
Wed Mar 8 23:13:22 CET 2017

You're setting it in the wrong place/way.  To set a cookie in the
browser you must set it in the response sent to the browser inside of
say vcl_deliver.  There's no variables so if you need to propogate
data from e/g vcl_recv you can set an "internal" header on the
req....see say for an

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Mike Alberghini <MAlberghini at> wrote:
> We’re trying to get a varnish setup running that sets a regional cookie.
> I’m having some troubles getting it to work, so any advice will be
> appreciated.
> We’re running Drupal 8 and Varnish 4.1.5 with the geoip2 vmod.  IP
> Geolocation is working fine, and our X-GeoIP headers are being set
> correctly.  What I would like to do is have varnish set a "country” cookie
> when requests to our home page come in.  I’ve got it manipulating the
> req.http.Cookie header, but it does not seem to be actually setting a cookie
> in the browser.  Any suggestions?
> --
> Mike Alberghini
> Software Developer, Habitat for Humanity International
> 270 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 1300, Atlanta, GA 30303
> office phone: (404) 420-6751
> malberghini at · | Habitat. We build.
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